Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Indonesian 'Eves' colonised Madagascar 1,200 years ago

 Paris, Mar 20 - Several dozen Indonesian women founded the colonisation of Madagascar 1,200 years ago, scientists said today in a probe into one of the strangest episodes in the human odyssey.
 Anthropologists are fascinated by Madagascar, for the island remained aloof from mankind's conquest of the planet for thousands of years.

 It then became settled by mainland Africans but also by Indonesians, whose home is 8,000 kilometres away.
 A team led by molecular biologist Murray Cox of New Zealand's Massey University delved into DNA for clues to explain the migration riddle.

 They looked for markers handed down in chromosomes through the maternal line, in DNA samples offered by 266 people from three ethnic Malagasy groups.
 Twenty-two per cent of the samples had a local variant of the ÒPolynesian motif,Ó a tiny genetic characteristic that is found among Polynesians, but rarely so in western Indonesia.

In one Malagasy ethnic group, one in two of the samples had this marker.
 If the samples are right, about 30 Indonesian women founded the Malagasy population Òwith a much smaller, but just as important, biological contribution from Africa,Ó it says.

 The study focussed only on mitrochondrial DNA, which is transmitted only through the mother, so it does not exclude the possibility that Indonesian men also arrived with the first women.
 Computer simulations suggest the settlement began around 830 AD, around the time when Indonesian trading networks expanded under the Srivijaya Empire of Sumatra.

 The investigation points to other contributions from Southeast Asia.
 Linguistically, Madascagar's inhabitants speak dialects of a language that traces its origins to Indonesia.
 Most of the lexicon comes from Ma'anyan, a language spoken along the Barito River valley of southeastern Borneo -- a remote, inland region -- with a smattering of words from Javanese, Malay or Sanskrit.

 Other evidence of early Indonesian settlement comes in the discovery of outrigger boats, iron tools, musical instruments such as the xylophone and a Òtropical food kit,Ó the cultivation of rice, bananas, yams and taro brought in from across the ocean.

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