Friday, October 30, 2009

Union Shows Support for Residential Advisers at Mars Home for Youth

MARS, Pa., Oct. 29 - The union seeking to organize the residential staff at the Mars Home for Youth (MHY) today held a public demonstration of support for five residential advisers who have been fired by MHY for engaging in union activities.

The demonstration was held to call attention to the firing of five residential advisers by the administration of the facility on Route 228 in Mars, PA. The residential advisers are part of a group of MHY employees who have been working for months with SEIU Local 668 in an effort to form a union.

During a series of hearings on the unionization effort by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) testimony revealed that MHY does not pay overtime until an employee reaches 42 hours of work time. SEIU Local 668 organizers contend that this practice violates federal wage and hour laws. The union announced at the demonstration that it has filed a complaint with the Wage and Hour Division of the NLRB on this matter.

Kevin Hunt, a representative of SEIU Local 668, claimed at the rally that the action by the MHY in firing the five residential advisers puts children at risk.

"The administration at MHY has been using every illegal delaying tactic in the book to prevent their employees from joining a union," said Kevin Hunt. "Taking retaliation against the five residential advisers for their union activities is not only unlawful, but it also puts the children that MHY is supposed to help at risk. The administration has replaced these experienced workers with new hires who do not have the training, experience or knowledge of the special needs of the residents."

SEIU Local 668 representatives and supporters at the rally promised to keep the pressure on MHY until these issues are resolved.

"This is no way to treat workers who are just trying to exercise their right to join a union," said Kevin Hunt. "Our Union is prepared to do whatever it takes to bring justice to the workers at MHY and improve the lives of both the workers and the residents at this facility."

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