Wednesday, October 28, 2009

TSA Union to Celebrate Los Angeles TSA Workers With Thursday Event

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 28 - With more than 11,000 Transportation Security Administration members in 35 Locals nationwide, the American Federation of Government Employees will mark its role as the only real union for TSA workers with a celebration of Transportation Security Officers in Los Angeles on Oct. 29.

Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Executive Secretary Treasurer Maria Elana Durazo will join AFGE in the celebration. While the powerful AFL-CIO has supported AFGE in its efforts at TSA for eight years, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in September extended that support.

"Right now, 40,000 TSA employees are on the verge of winning their collective bargaining rights. Our sisters and brothers in AFGE are going to organize them, and...I want you to know that the AFL-CIO will stand with them until every last one of those TSA employees are organized," Trumka said.

"Unlike stand-alone unions, AFGE enjoys the AFL-CIO's enormous political clout on Capitol Hill and across the country," said AFGE National President John Gage. "Being a part of the AFL-CIO is being a part of the rich and proud history of the U.S. labor movement--an institution that is critical to our country and its middle class."

In addition to food and fun, Thursday's event also will include a legal clinic, at which TSOs will have the opportunity to talk one-on-one with an AFGE attorney dedicated to TSA cases. Although TSOs are not afforded collective bargaining rights, AFGE does represent them before the EEOC and in court. AFGE court cases have resulted in TSA being held to the Rehabilitation Act, TSOs having the right to have constitutional issues heard in the courts, and countless TSOs getting their jobs back or demotions being overturned.

The American Federation of Government Employees Local 1234

Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Executive Secretary Treasurer Maria Elana Durazo

WHAT: AFGE will show its solidarity with, and appreciation for TSA employees with a luncheon and legal clinic

Los Angeles International Airport, Arrival Level between Terminal 1 and 2
In case of inclement weather, event will be at 5757 W Century Blvd, #700

WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 29; 10 am - 4 pm

AFGE is the largest federal employee union representing 600,000 workers in the

federal government and the government of the District of Columbia, including

tens of thousands of DHS employees in Border Patrol, Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Federal Protective

Service, FEMA, Coast Guard and TSA.

CONTACT: Karina Quintana, +1-310-528-4263, or Emily Ryan,
+1-202-639-6421, both of AFGE

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