Friday, October 30, 2009

Diageo Workers Vote YES for Action to Save Jobs

LONDON, October 30 - Unite members at three leading Diageo sites in Scotland have today (Friday) voted overwhelmingly to back a ballot on industrial action.

The results of a consultative ballot conducted by Unite the union, show that the workers at the Kilmarnock, Shieldhall and Port Dundas plants have given a resounding thumbs up to a full strike ballot.

At the Kilmarnock plant, the historic home of Johnnie Walker where workers are battling to save 700 jobs and a 180-year distilling tradition, the workers voted by 87 percent to back a full industrial ballot. At Shieldhall, 75 percent voted for an industrial action ballot, while at Port Dundas, nine out of ten workers (90 percent) said yes to going ahead with a full ballot.

Jennie Formby, Unite national officer for the food and drinks sector, praised the workers' courage: "Diageo's management need to start listening because these workers are telling them very loudly that they are determined to fight for their jobs and a fairer deal. By effectively ending negotiations last week, Diageo gave our members very little option but to vote yes in this consultative ballot.

"Our members have taken a courageous stand today - they have stood up to a global giant and told it they won't stand by while Diageo throw hundreds of people on the scrapheap.

"Time and again, we have appealed to Diageo to think again on their drastic restructuring plans because there is another way forward. Once again, we urge Diageo's management to pull back from these plans. Act like a responsible business and put the jobs and communities of the people who built you before short-term greed."

Unite is now preparing to start the full industrial action ballot of the workforce at the three sites.

Kilmarnock 87% yes vote - 410 yes to action, 64 no

Shieldhall 75% yes vote - 258 yes to action, 86 no

Port Dundas 90% yes vote - 26 yes to action, 3 no

For further information, please contact Pauline Doyle on +44(0)7976-832-861

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