Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Expensive Health Care: Undetected, Unmet Mobility Needs Creating Boomer & Senior Health Care Costs

Undetected, unmet mobility needs can create expensive home health care costs.

BELLEVUE, Wash., Aug. 12 - Undetected, unmet mobility needs can create expensive home health care costs. Poorly designed mobility aids or improper use creates injury risks. Frequently, when someone has a mobility issue only part of the need is addressed which creates mobility gaps. All increases in health care costs could be reduced or alleviated if mobility issues were detected and properly addressed.

Independence is based on the ability to perform activities of daily living like getting out of bed and toileting. If we are unable to perform those tasks we need assistance. This either ends up being expensive home care or additional assisted living costs that drain financial resources. It can also be a burden on caregivers. It is cheaper and more effective to properly address mobility needs upfront.

What's missing: incentives to do it right, lack of knowledge or both?

A recent study by the CDC found that on average 129 older adults are treated in emergency department's everyday for fall injuries related to walkers and canes. Both have been incorrectly used as the solution while other mobility needs are undetected and unmet. A walker is an important walking aid but it's not a stand-up aid to help you get out of bed which is often an undetected unmet mobility issue.

A different problem is a lack of knowledge healthcare professionals have when it comes to knowing and understanding the intended use and use limitations of the products they recommend. Often price determines what is recommended over product knowledge, safety and effectiveness. We all pay the price when someone needlessly ends up in the emergency room with permanent more severe mobility issues and greater healthcare needs.

Misleading marketing is getting some attention. The United Kingdom may be an indicator of what's to come since complaints for mobility aids are up 8% according to a June 3, 2009 article in the Guardian. Marketing materials show extensive uses while the instructions detail more warnings than intended uses. For example: the weight limit says 300lbs then says "not intended to carry full weight."

Unnoticed is the need for multiple mobility aids for a single mobility issue. We need to do a better job detecting mobility gaps.

Invisible CareGiver mobility products address unmet mobility needs for activities of daily living. Visit: or call 800-718-1322.

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