Thursday, August 9, 2007

What Americans say in their blog posting about entry of Walmart in India

We are reproducing some comments about Walmart India at a popular website among Americans. Americans are concern that Walmart now send cheap Indian Products to their Markets. How they see Indian Products you just read and think. Your comments are welcome.....

Posted by Max Brantley on August 6, 2007 09:07 AM |
Hmmm ... I just talked to some Indians who believe that the real growth potential in this setup is what it will do for WalMart and Mittal in the US.

(Oh yeah, and what it will probably do to the US.)

Their reaction was that there are billions of dollars worth of counterfeit US brands being produced in India at prices below what it costs the Chinese to pirate the same items. But the Indian market can't absorb what the Indians produce, so India is looking elsewhere for markets.
The Chinese haven't been buying the cheap Indian knockoffs, and they will protect against more foreign goods going into China.

The US, however, will welcome the cheap India-made knockoffs, because WalMart can import it cheaper than they can get it from their Chinese suppliers. So WalMart will lever their costs down in the same way old Mr.Sam did while he was destroying US manufacturers.
The Indians I talked with said to watch for more India-made counterfeits and rebranded knockoffs -- poorer quality than we've come to expect from our beloved China-made junk.

Posted by: Ecce! Spiro et Spero. | August 6, 2007 10:30 AM

Thanks Ecce. The race to the bottom gets pretty simple. "Home of lower standards. Always!"

Posted by: Lwood | August 6, 2007 01:12 PM

But wait. Maybe Wally can introduce some of the thousands of hemp products which India produces. They should go over with a bhang

Posted by: Lwood | August 6, 2007 03:13 PM

Really, Lwood? Hemp products? Sounds good.

Posted by: rablib | August 7, 2007 02:42 AM

1 comment:

HillbillyBlogger said...

I've just started a new blog focusing on Max Brantley!

Have a look!